NOAA Weather Radio Coupon Bill

With the DTV transistion going to be taking affect, and many Americans unable to be DTV ready, this will bring an additional lack of coverage in the warnings of impending Severe Weather. The Federal Government is allowing for two (2) coupons per household for the purchase of one DTV Box per coupon. There have been some setbacks in this process, which Congress is working on with the FCC and the Dept. of Commerce. I propose that the United States Government, the Senate, and Congress, devise a Bill to allow one (1) coupon per household and small business (less then 50 employees) to purchase a NOAA Weather Radio. NOAA Weather Radio is our first defense against Severe Weather. The National Weather Service sends out Severe Weather Warnings, Amber Alerts, Civil Emergency Messages, as well as forecasts for Land and Marine. Just to begin with. This Warning System has and will continue to save lives. But, with the DTV transition coming, and a large number of American Households relying on the media (TV, Radio) to sound the alarm when a Severe Weather Event is an immediate threat, takes time and possibly lives. This option will not be available to those households that are not DTV ready. My personal experiance of this is: A tornado Warning was issued by my NWS Office. I received this warning first from my NOAA Weather Radio. At about half minute later I received the warning on my computer, in which I was running a software to do this. An entire seven (7) minutes later, the local tv station sent the warning by a scrolling text message at the bottom of the screen. Not an audible sound warning that can be heard and recognized, but a text scroll. During this time of the seven minutes, the tornado had passed so close to my house it shook. With the lack of a DTV box, the time it takes a media outlet to send the warning text or audio, and a large number of the public relying on the media for severe weather information that is time critical, we need this bill created, passed and the coupons issued to the American people now. With a NOAA Weather Radio in every Home, and Small Business in America, we can reduce the number of injuries and fatalities caused by Severe Weather. The NOAA Weather Radio can be taken with the members of these households and businesses during a hurricane evacuation also. To receive information about the storm, and even tornados that occur many hours prior to landfall. By signing this petition, you agree with the writing and passing of a bill in Congress and the Senate and to be signed by the President of the United States. To provide a coupon of at least Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for the purchase of a NOAA Weather Radio of the coupon holders choice. To use for their protection, safety and to be warned of disasterous events whether caused by man or nature. Sincerly, Robert Brookens President Hurricane Hollow Weather Corp.