Government: Hold Rioters accountable. Use all options to identify them.

Whereas we the undersigned are disgusted by the actions of a group of fools who besmirched out beautiful city, province, country, and the game of hockey, and whereas we are fed up with criminals using the laws set up to protect society to avoid being identified or held accountable, we call upon the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada to use all available means to catch these people and hold them accountable.
The right of participation in the benefits of society comes with a responsibility to, among other things, not participate in riots.
We want, without limiting any other tools at the disposal of police, the aggressive use of sharing of photos and matching with photo recognition technology where available so that these people are identified and caught.
It could be from their drivers license photo, or from being identified from their photo when they go to another sporting event, concert, government office, airport, liquor store, or anywhere else they may go to benefit from the society they have so badly abused. Thank you.