No Packet

In Urbana,Ohio, the 7th graders face a huge problem. They recieve a Packet to do while visting our nations capital Washington D.C. I am for the idea of doing work for a grade while there since we are gone for a week but the grading system his horrid. In some classes, we had so little grades that even if u had a 100% in that class, in order to maintain that A you would have to get a 131/139. Since everyone is human and makes mistakes, that was a very hard feat to accomplish. Due to the teacher who was grading it was also an influences. Some teachers were easier on you while others liked to use their grading pen a little too much. This brought down everyone in the schools grade in almost every subject. This is unfair and should either be gotten rid of or changed. Some changes could be less harsh grading, or possible a smaller assignment. I would like people to sign this petition to help people get better grades in school and have more fun on the Washington Trip every year!