Get the leagues out of Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Games have been overrun by leagues such as Monkeyroyale, Rankmonster and MyLeague. Use of the chat areas in most game rooms is now practically impossible due to the refusal by all of these leagues to conduct their league business on a league webpage or in a league chat. Add their incessant spamming and you have lost the ability to engage in conversation or even ask for a game. This does not even take into consideration the fact that these spams and advertisements by the leagues directly violate three different clauses of Yahoo! Terms Of Service. They are free to flagrantly violate rules, disrupt entire game rooms and basically ruin the fun of playing the games. This ridiculous behavior has even spread to Pyramids Solitaire. Yes, league tournaments in a single player game. How amusing. It\'s time to let Yahoo! know that enough is enough. There are other domains with games to be played, and they don\'t tolerate this kind of garbage. Pogo actually cares if people are abusive or disrupt chat, and will toss people from the rooms. Yahoo! on the other hand, receives hundreds of complaints about this and does nothing. Since they obviously don\'t care whether or not their own rules are broken and their service abused for commercial gain, or that their users (some of which are paying users) can\'t even enjoy the services they joined Yahoo! to use and may even be paying for, I don\'t see the need to care if they make any money. I personally will be spending less time In Yahoo! Games, and more time in other domains. The GeoCities site I used to pay for was downgraded to a free one, then after farther thought I cancelled the account completely. I have also now cancelled my membership to Yahoo! Allstar. I will not click any ad, period, which I see anywhere in Yahoo!. Yahoo! will not ever get so much as a single penny from me again. I may even e-mail companies I see placing ads in Yahoo! Games and explain how people are leaving due to Yahoo\'s refusal to enforce it\'s own rules and it\'s failure to live up to it\'s obligations to make their domain fun for everyone. I encourage you to sign this petition, and take the same steps I have. Your privacy will be respected, any information given will be visible only to myself and the recipients of this petition. Perhaps Yahoo! will listen to the Almighty Dollar, since they obviously don\'t care what their users have to say. Yahoo has a great premium league plan of it\'s own, called Yahoo! Allstar. Upon joining this league, you have the ability to create your own league within it, schedule your own tournaments, appoint your own moderators, even play in your own rooms. Pairings are automatic, so is reporting. There is no need for lobby clutter, or for spam. Only AllStar members have access to the game rooms. All this for a mere $5/month if you join for a year. This is what league play should be. No other players in Yahoo are disturbed by these leagues, ever, period. Wake up Yahoo!, and smell the money you\'re missing. You\'re losing members and losing money. Another job well done. By signing this petition you show your intent to do anything and everything in your power to prevent Yahoo! from making money. This means you will not pay for any Yahoo! service nor will you click any ad on any Yahoo! page or any other action that may possibly put so much as a penny in the bank for Yahoo! This petition will be sent at regular intervals to; Dan Hart, General Manager of Yahoo! Games; Jim Moloshok, vice president and general manager of Yahoo! Media, Entertainment, Information and Finance; Jerry Yang and David Filo, the two co-founders of Yahoo!; the 8 member Yahoo! Board of Directors and Terry Semel, Chairman, CEO and Director as well as various companies who invest heavily in advertising on Yahoo! Update: of the 714 respondents who chose to answer the questions at the end of the signature form, 72% agree that leagues like myleague, rankmonster and monkeyroyale should be banned by Yahoo! from public game rooms. I\'d call that an overwhelming majority. The percentage in favor of removing them from Yahoo has stayed this high despite a rally by 31 league supporters signing in favor of leagues, one after another. Unfortunately for them Yahoo! will ignore most of their signatures and comments since they contain profanity, insults, material irrelevant to this petition, fake Yahoo IDs or non-existent e-mail addresses. Leave it to the leagues to show their true colors even while trying to defend themselves. As a footnote to all the league players who time and time again use the same tired out phrase as a rebuttal to the views in this petition I\'d like to add the following: Yes, ignore is a wonderful feature, unfortunately a large percentage of league spammers are now using bot programs in combination with keyboard macro programs. This means that they can enter a room, spam it, and leave in a matter of seconds which leaves you zero chance of placing the offending rulebreaker on ignore. All these leagues have tournament pages and/or dedicated chat capabilities which completely remove the need to post any league business at all in public chat areas of game rooms. Not to mention the selection of Instant Messengers available. Show a little class and use them. If \"Ignore is a wonderful feature, use it and quit your bitching.\" is the only comment you have to add, don\'t bother signing. When you can think of something that isn\'t in the League Defense for Dummies handbook your opinion will be welcome.