ronald chan 0

NO temporary barging point in Telegraph Bay

1006 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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1006 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Please sign this petition if you object to the the MTRC proposal of situating a temporary barging point in Telegraph Bay. Your signatures are crucial to persuade the government and the MTR to revise their plan. Residents' concerns: 1. Traffic and safety problems -An additional daily inbound and outbound traffic of 600 dump trucks will be beyond the roads' capacities. -Implementation of the proposal will worsen the traffic conditions there and have a bad impact on road safety. -If dump trucks are allowed to use the above roads from 8 am to 6 pm, traffic congestion will be extremely serious during rush hour. -A heavy traffic of dump trucks will pose danger to the joggers. -The plan will seriously affect nearby residents' daily egress and ingress. 2. Environment and health issues -Clouds of dust raised by passing dump trucks will have adverse effects on the health of park users and on the Park's environment. -Carrying out some improvement works at the twists and bends in Sha Wan Drive will hardly suffice. -The promises and measures proposed will not be sufficent to mitigate the serious noise and air pollution problems likely to arise. 如各位反對鋼線灣用作港鐵臨時卸泥口安排,請簽署以下請願書,您的簽名對說服政府及港鐵修改方案是非常重要的。 居民的憂慮: (1) 交通及安全問題: -如每天來回600架泥車,道路的容量實不足以應付增加的車流; -此方案勢必造成影響交通及容易發生意外; -適逢上班、下班的繁忙時段,道路會非常擠塞; -泥車駛經的道路,會影響居民的出入; -每天大量的泥車出入,定必嚴重影響交通。 (2) 環境及健康問題: -如有泥車往返不斷,而數碼港也比較風大,塵土飛揚,不但對公園使用者的健康造成負面影響,也會影響海濱公園的環境; -僅對沙灣徑進行彎位改善工程也是不足夠的; -承諾和措施根本是不足以減少嚴重的噪音和空氣污染。

Sponsor Southern District Council Member Ronald Chan 南區區議會陳岳鵬議員

Links Southern District Council Member Ronald Chan 南區區議會陳岳鵬議員
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