No Woolworths At Yattalunga
Woolworths is trying to establish shopping centre of 9,800m2 on the corner of Avoca Drive and Davistown Road.
To enable that to occur Woolworths has applied to change the land from zoning scenic protection to B2 commercial
If this occurs the local lifestyle will be seriously impacted if not destroyed.
Scenic beauty of the entry to the Yattalunga Davistown and Saratoga peninsula will be lost forever.
Nearby homes will become home occupations and businesses.
The Avoca drive and Davistown intersection will become another commercial centre, much larger than Kincumber.
Gosford City Council rejected the Woolworths proposal at its meeting on 8 September 2014.
Woolworths has wasted no time in going to the Minister for Planning who has now agreed to allow the question of whether the rezoning proposal can proceed to be decided by the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP).
We need our voices to be heard