No woman should have to birth Alone
Gloria Shannon 0

No woman should have to birth Alone

2041 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Gloria Shannon 0 Comments
2041 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Due to these crazy times being pregnant and preparing to bring a new life into the world is an already stressful situation.

According to World Health Organisation Guidelines a labouring woman (even with Covid -19) has the right to a birthing companion. However Mullingar Regional Hospital have decided to disrespect this right and ban all partners from delivery. (Even perfectly healthy ones and mom too)

This is causing so much distress for mothers to be. It also means that due to the strict visitor guidelines fathers(other parents ) will not be able to meet their newborn for possibly days after they are born. This can effect the binding process.

Studies have shown time and time again how vital a birthing partner is during the labour and delivery process. Yet these are being ignored now when we need their support the most.

Additionally it doesn’t seem to make much sense seeing as birthing partners will be in constant contact with the labouring women right until she enters the hospital doors and if they have contracted Covid 19 it is most likely mother has too.

Could birthing partners not be enforced to wear protective clothing, masks, wash their hands every 20/30 mins, practice social distancing from midwives and obs and only be allowed into the delivery room and stay there until baby is born and leave soon thereafter?

My due date was Friday so I may just face this harsh reality but if this petition could change one mother and her partners situation it would be worth it.

Please sign and give it a share.

Thank you.

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