No to the Meyers Speed LImit Increase
Meyers is the community at the bottom of Echo Summit that receives every visitor traveling Highway 50 to South Lake Tahoe. The speed limit now is 40 mph. Caltrans, using radar surveys, has determined the speed limit should be increased to 45 mph from the intersection of highways 50 and 89 and Pioneer Trail. Meyers has approximately 3000 residents. There is an elementary school, grocery store, fire department, restaurants and other businesses. The area of the proposed increase is heavily trafficked by pedestrians, cyclists, joggers, and families. This increase is unwise; this is our “Main Street.” There is a public hearing Feb 21, 5:30pm at the Lake Valley Fire Department, 2211 Keetak Street, Meyers for those who would like to voice their opinion. Petition: We, the undersigned, call on the El Dorado County Department of Public Safety to deny/fight this increase for the following reasons. 1. The site of the proposed increase is a community of 3000 that currently has no means to safely cross the main street, which is Highway 50. 2. There is an elementary school with approximately 350 students just off the highway; some children already have to cross the highway to get to school; there are also bus stops for the middle and high school along the routes. (See photos on Meyers Community Facebook page.) 3. Children and families use this route to walk to the stores and businesses along the highway. 4. Meyers is an outdoor community that has walkers, joggers, and cyclists using the highway. This is also a community that promotes health and alternative forms of transportation such as cycling and walking. We are not asking for a decrease in the speed limit, simply that it not be raised, further endangering our community.