No to Nestle - Yes to Salmon
Susan Guerin 0

No to Nestle - Yes to Salmon

355 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Susan Guerin 0 Comments
355 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The proposed water rights swap between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the City of Cascade Locks, OR to benefit Nestle Corp's 10 year plan to bottle and sell water from Oxbow Springs violates natural and treaty laws.

The fish and other marine life depend on adequate and clean water to thrive and survive. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife uses these very waters at a local fish hatchery. Drought conditions in the area further exacerbates the need to protect water for local human consumption. In 1855, the US entered into a treaty with the Tribes of Middle Oregon that protected Indians rights to harvesting fish in their usual and accustomed stations.

By signing this petition, I opposed the proposal to trade water rights for corporate gain citing the breaches of natural law and the 1855 US Treaty with the Tribes of Middle Oregon. It is wrong for the fish, it is wrong for the people!

**Signers, please include your tribal member ID# if enrolled in tribes in Oregon or in any of the Columbia River treaty tribes (Yakama, Umatilla, WS, and Nez Perce). If you are not enrolled, we welcome your signature - thank you so much!

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