No to Federal Prosecution of George Zimmerman

In light of the emotional fervor to ignore the lawfully reached verdict in the case of the State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman, we ask that the Department of Justice not turn this tragedy into a witchhunt by further prosecuting a man who was legally found not guilty. We understand the emotions that are running high right now. But to continue this undermines the legal process in the United States. It is already clear that the State of Florida did not have the evidence to find a judgement of Second Degree murder or Manslaughter. While the death of Trayvon Martin is tragic, further prosecution (and persecution) of George Zimmerman will only serve to do more damage to our country and the races that make up our populace. All along, people have tried to make this a referendum on race relations, which it should not be. Allow the verdict of the State of Florida to stand.