"No Soliciting" in Waterford Estates (Sweetwater Creek South)

We, the home owners of Waterford Estates, are tired of unwanted solicitors entering our neighborhood, taking up our time and begging for money. Additionally, we have found that many solicitors are in fact not solicitors at all; rather, they are scam artists, thieves, burglars and even home invaders. We deserve better. We deserve peace and quiet and the quality of life that we pay for!
Enacted Jacksonville City ORDINANCE 2013-713-E provides that the City will, upon receipt of signatures from 60% (275) of us, enforce the "No Soliciting" signs at the main entrances of our neighborhood. (Section 250.703(c)) This will constitute as sufficient notice that soliciting and peddling is now legally prohibited anywhere inside the boundaries of Waterford Estates.
By signing this petition, I am notifying the City of Jacksonville that I live in Waterford Estates and I want this ordinance enforced in my neighborhood.
Only ONE (1) signature per household.