Denise Bach 0

No Canadian Based Solar Manufacturing Plant in Fort Mill

3699 signers. Add your name now!
Denise Bach 0 Comments
3699 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As part of the new Federal incentives for renewable energy plus State & County Incentives, the York County Economic Development Department is proposing bringing a Silfab Solar Panel Manufacturing Plant from Canada to Fort Mill and placing it across from a residential community that is already terribly congested. This is located off the road behind Margaritas on Hwy 21.

This is a residential community with two new schools going in right next to this factory. Why are we getting something like this here with potential serious environmental concerns?

We will be appearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals to challenge the assignment of Light Industrial Zoning to this toxic plant that sits just 1300 feet from 2 new schools. Our case will be heard on:

Thursday, 5/9/24 at 6 PM at the York County Government Center, 6 South Congress St, York, SC Please arrive before 5:30 PM if possible. Meeting starts at 6PM. There is no other agenda but our appeal on this evening.

  • Silfab is a Private Foreign International company that received federal, state and local tax incentives. They originally presented themselves as an assembly facility much like they did in Washington state but they are adding solar cell manufacturing to their processes which they have never done before and has never been done in SC.
  • Palmetto State Watch put out a very good summary of the facts. You can read it at


  • On their own paperwork, Silfab states they take efforts to MINIMIZE the environmental impact - they are admitting there IS an environmental impact. This kind of production produces toxic pollution in air and water. There will be more than one category 3 (the highest, most toxic chemicals according to DHEC) air pollutants which will be emitted from a 70-foot smokestack at a rate of 90 feet per second.
  • This would be the first solar cell manufacturing plant in SC.


  • Attend the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at York County Government Center, 6 South Congress St, York, SC. Please arrive before 5:30 PM if possible. Meeting starts at 6 PM.
  • Email the coordinator for the Board of Zoning Appeals, Emily Stephens, and she will forward your message to all of those on the board. Fill her mailbox and encourage others to do the same. Below is a sample email you can start with and modify it any way you want.

Dear Zoning Board of Appeals Member,

Silfab is definitely not light industrial when they have toxic air pollution and toxic water waste that has the potential to kill or permanently injure people, animals, and our environment. They need to be relocated to a heavy industrial area where it's not next to two schools, with 2500 students, neighborhoods and businesses. It’s just not right for our community!

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