No Science, No Justice, No Finger, No Money

No Finger, No Science, No Justice, No Money
The victim of a violent attack by her husband with a lawnmower has left her without part of a finger and the limited use of two others on her left hand. Clare Davies can no longer play her guitar or her violin with which she loved to accompany her young daughter who is learning to play. We want her attacker back in court to face charges of Perverting the course of justice because he twice lied on oath. He gave a totally scientifically impossible account of what happened.
During an heated discussion with her husband over her making the lunch, he would not listen to her. She stood on the flex of the lawnmower he was using to try to stop him working and to talk to her about lunch when in anger he swung the FLYMO around at her causing her to defend herself and in so doing loosing her finger. The amputated finger was found in the grass but the hospital which she attended said it was too badly damaged to be sewn back on. As a result she lost many weeks of work as a self employed optometrist and nearly lost her business and her house. Her husband who had not helped her buy neither her house nor business managed to find money to attend 'lap dancing/pole dancing' clubs.
In court the husband claimed that while his wife was standing on the lawnmower flex behind him he tugged it sharply and she fell forward, past him, with her arm outstretched allowing him to cut off the finger. This was accepted by the jury even though it is impossible to cause a body to fall forward by pulling the feet. Although it was blindingly obvious that the victim would have had to have been in excess of 2 metres tall to reach the lawnmower blade, the court accepted his plausible but impossible explanation. (Had he overcome her braced inertia by pulling her over he would have torn his fingers out. Try tugging a bag of cement with all your might by a thin rope wrapped around it!)
I don't want to go into Newton's Laws of Motion but I have sent mathematical proofs to the Police and the CPS and they will not accept that their prosecution was incompetent.
The police investigation was given to a junior officer who did little more than take statements from the attacker and victim and not from their daughter who witnessed the whole sordid affair. She did not interview the first neighbour on the scene nor did she interview at least three people who the attacker told that “it was my fault”. I do not believe that she visited the scene of the attack or test the viability of the accused's evidence. No forensic evidence was provided and the court had to choose between two statements. The CPS lawyer was in my opinion totally incompetent and was so pompous and unapproachable when I tried to tell him that the accused's evidence was impossible and explained that the flex would slide under the victims foot, he would not listen to me and did not even question the accused about that possibility in court. He was also told of other attacks by the accused on the victim but chose to ignore them. It is not unusual in South Wales to find that the police take a very relaxed attitude to domestic violence against woman. One woman was heard to say “it would be easier to get the Police to support England (in the approaching rugby international match) than to support me” (Overheard by me in the Llanover Arms)
Had a single member of the jury had any science/engineering education then he/she could have convinced the rest of the jury that the the accused was lying on oath. This man who swore on the Bible is a regular church goer.
At a later court hearing over custody of the daughter the attacker again lied under oath but with a totally different version of the incident. The judge would not hear witnesses on that occasion and even dismissed the written evidence of a retired Physics Professor using reasoning that would have gained a 'fail' grade for any 'O' level physics student. The Judge did not realise that scientific laws cannot be interpreted to suit ones own prejudices like civil laws can. Either way, the attacker must have lied on at least one occasion thereby committing perjury and therefore perverting the 'course of justice'.
The attacker walks free while his victim may still lose her house and business because he is pursuing her for a large financial settlement for the divorce. Because he was found not guilty his victim gets no criminal injury compensation or loss of earnings compensation. I've reported to the matter to the police and the CPS and I've asked them to investigate the attacker for 'perverting the course of justice', 'perjury' and his historical 'physical abuse' of his wife, including a punch in the stomach when she was pregnant. They seem more content in finding reasons not to proceed and are putting out glib platitudes to explain their lack of action.
If the attackers story is correct and by some superhuman force he was able to overcome Newton's Laws of Motion then he must be guilty of 'Criminal Recklessness' at least. Surely no one could pull a person into the path of dangerous machinery without regard for the danger of so doing.
I've written to various people including the Home Secretary the Education Secretary, the local MP and the local Police Commissioner to express my disgust at the 'legal' treatment of the victim. They have done very little or nothing nothing The attacker who has a very violent temper and, as a teacher I feel could injure a child should be reported to parents. I wrote to the School's governors and the head master which resulted in a letter from the attacker's solicitor threatening me with action if I didn't desist from harassing him!
Unfortunately we cannot afford a private prosecution so we would like to petition the Director of Public Prosecutions and/or the South Wales Police to declare a mistrial because of an incompetent prosecution. The grounds being that all the available evidence was not presented, or to order a trial for the act of perjury at either or both of the court hearings, referred to above.
So No Finger, No Science in Court gives No Justice for the victim and No Money either, Her financial loss so far is considerable, some of which has been put up by her parent who are also innocent victims suffering anguish at least.