NO rezoning for SR Homes' Wintercrest Project

SR Homes is applying to rezone approximately 8 acres that are currently zoned R-100 to RSM. All of the surrounding areas are zoned R-100. The Wintercrest Project conceptual site plan that SR Homes presented at the community meeting is shown to the left.
The proposed rezoning would impact bordering neighbors living on Wintercrest Court, Northbrook Drive, Romelie Drive, Foxford Drive, Foxford Court, Lynnray Drive, and Beya Way. All of these surrounding areas are zoned R-100.
SR Homes is planning to destroy a house and a local cul de sac in the Northcrest National Historic District to access the proposed development.
We, the undersigned, call on Dekalb County Commissioners to VOTE NO on rezoning the properties located at 3781 and 3778 Wintercrest Court, and 3938, 3934, and 3940 Chamblee Tucker Road from R-100 to RSM for the following reasons:
- All of the surrounding areas are zoned R-100. RSM zoning is inconsistent with the zoning pattern of the surrounding area.
- Per Dekalb County Zoning Plan Article 2, 27-2.5 division 5, the purpose and intent of the board of commissioners in establishing the R-100 (Residential Medium Lot–100) District is “to provide for the protection of neighborhoods within the county where lots have a minimum area of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet”.
- RSM zoning should be applied to transitional areas, such as near a neighborhood center or town center character area.
- Rezoning these properties would set a dangerous precedent. The surrounding neighborhoods have large lots that could be combined to create additional rezoning requests for pockets of similar developments. The character of our neighborhood could rapidly be destroyed.
- Rezoning will negatively impact all the surrounding neighbors, whose properties conform to the existing zoning, for the benefit of one entity.
- The current R-100 zoning that is in place does not prohibit development of the property.
- SR Homes plans to destroy the house at 3778 Wintercrest Court and turn the Wintercrest Court local cul-de-sac into the entrance of the proposed development.
- The house and the cul-de-sac are part of the Northcrest Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
- Per Dekalb County Zoning Plan Article 1, 27-1.1 division 1, the purpose and intent of the code includes “To protect the established character of both private and public property”, and “To protect against destruction of, or encroachment upon, historic areas”.
- Turning the Wintercrest cul-de-sac into the entrance of the development would deprive cul-de-sac residents of the safety and security provided by original design of the cul-de-sac as approved by Dekalb County.