Tendai Ndlovu 0

NO parking limitations on around Morgan State University

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Tendai Ndlovu 0 Comments
3 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The goal of this petition is for all parking limitations around Morgan State University to be removed. The current one hour parking limitation poses a great risk to the educational quality and safety of Morgan State University students and staff. As crime statistic show, the residential area around the University has a high propensity for robberies and car vandalism. Currently, the University has one parking garage, a lot on campus and another off campus. These current parking locations can barely contain Morgan State staff, let alone the abundance of commuter students. The city of Baltimore should be ashamed of the restrictive treatment of Morgan state students. How can a student take advantage of the education they paid for if he or she cannot remain on campus for more than 1 hour because they have to leave and move their car? The foundation for a better society is through education. Baltimore city has ruined their public school system and now their destructive logic threatens to poison Morgan State University because education is only worth one hour to them. Therefore, please sign this petition and join in the fight to have all parking restriction removed from around Morgan. The quality of your education and safety depend on it.

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