Young people are our future and deserve the best start in life.....lots of supportive roles, youth provisions necessities are being slashed to meet the needs of a council who have a challenging job of managing a budget.....but why to the detriment of young people's development?? Why put a strain on the voluntary sector which are already crumbling due to restrictions in funding? When did the nourishment and development of young people come at a cost?? STAND WITH US AS WE SHOUT OUT AND DEMAND A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE....this shouldn't be a debatable choice this IS NOT AN OPTION!
This is a peaceful petition and will be presented to the authorities to show them that as a community we are crying out for more provisions for our/your children. We will present this petition in a peaceful protest which will showcase the love and unity Rotherham has as we come together to say we need more......stand with us and be heard!