No More Tell Me More
Tell Me More is a language program that has been newly required of 100-level Italian students here at DePaul University. Since its introduction in the fall of 2011, Tell Me More has done nothing but take away from my time and money. While I understand that administrators' intentions are good in nature, wanting to further students' education and Italian skills, I truly feel that Tell Me More's problems far outweigh the supposed benefits that it is thought to have. Tell Me More brings about great frustration and stress in students due to the mass amounts of technological problems it has-- from not picking up on sound in the oral sections of the program, to not recognizing usernames and e-mail addresses, to actually CHANGING users' usernames. During the last two quarters that I have been using Tell Me More, I have not noticeably gained any new Italian skills. Rather, I have experienced much stress as I tried to fight to get my required work done while having to struggle with the nonstop technological complications of Tell Me More. While I understand that Tell Me More may have some slight benefits, I do not think it is a program that is in any way worth my time, frustration, or money. We as students have the right and the responsibility to voice our opinions and to have them be heard. Therefore, this petition is in hopes to discontinue the required use of the Tell Me More program in this and all upcoming quarters at DePaul University. Thank you for your support!