No More 'Masters'
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Language is powerful. What you call yourself - and how you insist people address you - says a lot about where you see yourself in the hierarchy of power.
In Ireland, and only in Ireland, the CEOs of maternity hospitals INSIST on being called 'Masters'. Even when they are women.
What does this convey to the women who cross the thresholds of the hospitals these people preside over? Who, after all, have masters? Only slaves. This attitude - this language - is patronising, patriarchal,misogynistic, and an affront to all women.
Are the women of Ireland expected to see themselves as slaves? Are we expected to allow ourselves to be treated as slaves? If you believe that women should not be expected to call anyone'Master', please sign this petition.
Once we have 10,000 signatures, we will present them to the CEOs of the maternity hospitals in Ireland, ask them to reflect on their language choices, with a view to inspiring them to change their titles and attitudes.