Diamond Brown 0


66 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Diamond Brown 0 Comments
66 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Are you aware about the time in school hours beginning in the fall for the 2018-2019 school year? JPS has changed the school time to where Middle school does not get out of school until 3:30 pm and high schoolers will not get out of school until 4:00 pm. They claim to have made this change in school time in case we have another snow day and school happens to be out for a while again however, the reasons behind us being out of school and having to make up those does WERE NOT OUR FAULT. It was not OUR fault that the pipes bursted causing them to call no school because of LACK OF WATER! JPS continues to make decisions about OUR EDUCATION without giving us our right to express our views about it! They continue to make decisions without consulting the students, parents, teachers, and staff that it will affect. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO HAVE A SAY AND WHAT WE WANT BEFORE THE FINAL DECISON IS MADE FOR US! WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BE INFORMED! Pushing the school hours back will cause students and teachers to get home later. Many students have jobs to go to right after school and families to get to . There are many students who have little siblings waiting on them to get home to watch over them until their parents get off of work . Many students have practice and this time change will cause them to get home from practice even later delaying them from starting their actual school work and getting to bed at a decent time. If you do not want to get out of school at 4:00 pm sign this petition please! If you are tired of JPS making these decisions without giving us our rights to voice sign this petition please! We need at least 1000 signatures.

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