Carly Crowder Georgia 0

No More Horse Carriages!

63 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Carly Crowder Georgia 0 Comments
63 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I like Savannah in most aspects, but one thing I cannot stand is the horse carriages. I consider it animal cruelty when one horse is forced to carry people (most of the time one horse carrying 5-6 people). To make it worse, it gets so hot here. These horses are put on busy downtown roads where a lot of cars pass by them. Since horses are prey animals, this could really scare them. Ever since I've been here, I have seen unhealthy looking horses. This includes really frail horses, horses drooling, horses panting, and horses that are so hunched over that they look like they're about to collapse.

It hurts me everyday I see them, so I am deciding to do something about it. Soon, I will be setting up a petition that I hope will gain attention of some people. Please help me and the horses. It is most definitely not right.

Many cities have already banned them; please help Savannah be one of them!

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