No More Co-locations at Campus Magnet
We the Campus Magnet Joint SLT Committee, on behalf of the parents, students, faculty, staff ,community-at-large and the collective building consistencies of the Campus Magnet Educational Campus aka Campus Magnet High Schools aka Campus Magnet Complex aka Andrew Jackson High School aka Q490 located at 207-01 116th Avenue, Cambria Heights, NY 11411; presents the following Proposal Statement in direct response to the New York City Department of Education’s Educational Impact Statement which suggests the opening and co-locating of a sixth district high school 29Q313, at the Campus Magnet Educational Campus to begin Fall 2014 along with the already five district high schools that will be in existence.
i. It is more advantageous and cost effective to grow schools Q498-Humanities and the Arts, Q492-Mathematics, Science Research and Technology and Q243-Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights, than to add additional school Q313 to building Q490
o Building on strengths, expanding visions and truly meeting the missions of our schools.
§ Q498 – would like to offer complete programs in dance, theater performance and production; music- vocal and instrumental; music production; visual arts to include graphics, digital and multimedia ; television and radio; journalism and film production
· To enhance our humanities component we would introduce political science and legal studies along with liberal arts courses in international relations with an emphasis on Afro, Latin and Caribbean culture
§ Q492 – would look to expand in robotics, engineering related fields, architecture, biomedical engineering, agricultural research, environmental science with an emphasis on green technology
· C.A.D. – computer aided design would be a welcomed addition along with web design
§ Q243 – would partner for hazmat training with F.E.M.A
In addition to an increase in their current curriculum to cover Allied Health related fields with specializations in sports medicine, physical and occupational theory, x-ray technology with specialties and build upon partnerships
ii. Larger student populations would allow for comprehensive programs and course sequences such as CTE programs and partnerships with colleges, university centers, cultural and other educational institutions
o Expanding programs within our current neighborhood schools will entice new students and families as well as revitalize the interest of District 29 families to remain locally throughout high school
o More expansive programming in District 29 would help to elevate overcrowding in other districts
o If we are to believe in the underpinning of the fair student funding equation – money follows the student. More students allow for more offerings.
iii. Growing schools Q498-Humanities and the Arts to 630-650 students, Q492-Mathematics, Science Research and Technology to 600-615 students and Q243-Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights to 600-615 students moves towards full operation of the facility surpassing the DOE’s projected student enrollments of 475-515; 400-440 and 420-460 respectively by year 2017-2018
o According to the 2011-2012 Enrollment, Capacity, Utilization Report (Blue Book), Q490 has a target capacity of 2,009 students; currently we serve approximately 1,603 student for an estimated 80% utilization
o The DOE’s proposed enrollment provision for year 2017-2018 has the building servicing a total of 1,715 -1,875 students with a 85%-93% utilization
o Furthermore after the phase-out and co-locations Q243-Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights and proposed new school Q313 the building utilization of Q490 would have only grown by 272 students
o The phase –out and co-location of six schools will produce constant disruption and upheaval over the next five years with student success not guaranteed
iv. In the final analysis leaving three schools at Q490 located at 207-01 116th Avenue, Cambria Heights, NY instead of four schools, would allow for more direct services to students as opposed to top heavy administrative costs associated with the opening and operating of a fourth school
v. Continuing to co-locate schools at Q490 located at 207-01 116th Avenue will only add to the already taxed 76 year old facility which struggles to meet the needs of its current inhabitants. The facility requires major capital improvement funding to bring it into the 21st century.
o Common and specialty rooms already face over scheduling issues
o Electrical upgrades are need to relieve the over taxed wiring
o HVAC issues existent throughout the facility
o A temperature control system is favored
o The PA ( public address) system is antiquated
o Plumbing improvements are necessary
o The telephone system suffers malfunctions regularly
o The building façade is showing signs of deterioration
vi. Our proposed three school model would allow for the utilization of the facility’s blue print layout. Our design enables each school to have its own floor, flexibility of programming , scheduling and integrity of theme
We Require Quality over Quantity