NO Masks, NO Covid Mandates for Wellsville Central Schools
This petition has been created to inform the public Wellsville Central Schools that we do NOT support the continuation of Covid mandates. It is not for the school board or the government to decide what is best for OUR children. It is OUR job, as parents, to decide what is best for OUR children.
Many like-minded parents are tired of this perpetual lie and we will not sit idly by while the school board and government officials attempt to harm the physical, psychological, and emotional health of OUR kids and cause further detriment to their education.
WE THE PEOPLE, WE THE PARENTS, have had enough! We have allowed too much harm to our children already and will NOT tolerate a single second more!
MANDATING MASKS to be worn by our kids every day, all day IS CHILD ABUSE! It is essentially Munchausen by Proxy. (Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability.)
Mandating masks will cause damage to kids health and education. It is proven scientific fact that it is harmful, especially for children. Breathing through rags on their faces filled with sweat, spit, dust, and dirt is unsafe. Constantly wearing masks also prevents their immune systems to continue developing. Children that are learning to read and spell can't see their teachers mouths when annunciating words.
If the masks (and vaccines) worked and we're safe, there wouldn't be huge ad campaigns, mandates, or incentives offered. If they worked and were safe, people wouldn't be getting blocked, censored, and threatened for questioning them.
We need school boards and local government to protect parents' rights to make choices for their child/children's health and education.
It seems the Wellsville Central School board is satisfied in the choice of placing these horrible mandates on our children even though it's been proven to cause them harm. The school board has decided to continue the mask mandate with total disregard for evidence, data, science, common sense, and common human decency.
FACTS: 4.2 million kids have tested positive for covid. .008% of those died. During 2018-2019 flu season, 480 children died from the flu. That's more deaths from the flu in 3-4 month period than from covid in over 1½ years. Were mask mandates suggested or ordered during that flu season by schools, government, CDC, WHO, or NIAID? NO!! Even though the flu is more dangerous for kids than covid.
We demand the Wellsville Central School board to STOP following politically charged mandates and to START defending and protecting our kids. We demand to STOP following junk science and say NO to covid mandates. The school board needs to answer to and be the voice of the people you represent.
WE SAY NO to any further covid mandates.
WE SAY NO to masks.
WE SAY NO to vaccine passports.
WE SAY NO to mandatory vaccinations.
WE DEMAND the school board and local government, as representatives of the people and our children, do their duty that we have entrusted to them. STAND UP FOR OUR CHILDREN! REFUSE to acknowledge false information! Say NO to ALL covid mandates!
PLEASE SIGN and SHARE this petition if you support and agree with saying NO to masking our kids! Thank you.