Prohibit broadcasters from knowingly airing false or misleading news
The divisiveness in our society can be blamed on those who purposely mislead people by broadcasting news they know is incorrect. They use public airwaves to spread this false information that threatens the public's right to peace, the pursuit of happiness and good government. No legitimate news agency nor public service employee nor honest politician should fear the requirement that prohibits broadcasters from knowingly airing false or misleading news. Politicians at every level of government and either party or independent must share their clear agreement or disagreement with this premise. Likewise, broadcasters must agree to adhere to this rule in order to renew their licenses. Failure to do so should result in cancellation of the license. Punishment for not adhering to the rule should include: retraction that is shared as broadly as the original story, publication of the failure and the details around it (what, who, why, when etc.), a substantial fine that goes towards upholding the rule, and, in cases of continual disregard of the rule, cancellation of the license.