Election RAVE Campaign 0

No Law School Classes on Election Day

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Election RAVE Campaign 0 Comments
65 people have signed. Add your voice!
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It is troubling that we, as a nation, elect our public leaders on a day when millions of workers and students are kept from voting and participating in the political process because Election Day is not a recognized holiday. In light of the heightened risk of voter suppression, voter intimidation, and electoral tampering, we need more neutral, educated, and passionate election monitors and poll workers to ensure we have free and fair elections.

Law schools can take the first step in addressing both problems by canceling all classes on Election Day, encouraging students and faculty to cast their ballots, and sending students and faculty to the polls to serve as Election Day volunteers.

Law students and faculty shouldn't spend Election Day in the classroom talking about democracy - they should be in polling stations, participating in democracy. It's long overdue that law schools cancel all classes on Election Day!

We can reinvigorate American democracy . . . one law school at a time.

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