NO Gun Range in our neighborhoods

The residents of Waxhaw, NC are opposed to having a gun range within a residential community. The safety of the neighborhood children is at risk, the property values of the surrounding homes will decline, and the quality of life of those who built their homes here first is damaged. William and Mary Cochran moved to Davis road in April of 2008 and began operating an illegal Gun Training Academy. The shooting begins as early as 7 am and goes as late as 10 pm with classes scheduled throughout the day. The Union County Sheriff's Department have deputy's that are teaching at this illegal facility. In addition to normal gunfire, they are also shooting heavy artillery and steels that are not legal at the Waxhaw Gun Range or most other ranges. The gun range attaches to property where children play less than 500 feet from the shooting with no barrier for protection. Sign this petition if you agree that a Gun Range does not belong in a residential neighborhood.