No Greyhound Bus Stop near Seward Park

There is a proposal before Manhattan Community Board 3 to allow a bus stop for Greyhound/Peter Pan buses. There would be many stops per day. Seward Park, at the corner of Essex Street and Canal/East Broadway is a busy park, designated by the City as a children's playground. Friends of Seward Park opposes this application. This is the proposal:
Greyhound/Peter Pan bus stop application: 3 Essex
St (park side) 40ft - 14 trips/day each direction: NYC to Philadelphia 7
AM, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 PM, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5:30, 6:15 and 7:15 PM &
Philadelphia to NYC arrivals 9 AM, 10, 11, 12 PM, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
7:30, 8:15 and 9:15 PM
Here are reasons to oppose this outrageous application:
1- This is a quiet little residentialneighborhood that will be
forever changed by having a bus stop with 28 trips/day (from early
morning to late at night)with crowds of passengers. Shouldn't a bus
stop be located in more of a commercial area?
2- It is right outside a park, a children's playground-park.
3- There will be bus fumes affecting the children and other park-goers.
4- Passengers will crowd the Seward fountain area, creating further deterioration of this historic monument.
5- Long lines of passengers with their luggage will crowd the sidewalks and spill into the streets.
6- Many passengers will wait in the park, bring food, and leave trash in their wake.
7- Lots of trash will also be left on the street outside the park as passengers leave behind the coffee cups and food wrappers as they race to board the buses.
8- Waiting bus passengers will also likely choose little Straus Square as their hang-out place.
Please sign our petition.