No Digital Billboards in Oceanside

To Mayor Jim Wood and the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Oceanside City Council: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
We are asking you to ban Digital Billboards in the City of Oceanside, whichare being proposed as part of a revised sign ordinance by the Oceanside Planning Commission.Here is a summary of the reasons:
Digital billboards are a distraction to drivers and pose aserious risk ofcausingaccidents andinjurieson our highways. These types of billboards add significantly to visual blight, tend to dominate the visual environment,and are not consistent with the character of Oceanside and coastal North County. There is a potential for reduced property values in areaswhere these signs are located due to a degraded visual environment. Digital displays can have anegativeimpact onthe quality of lifefor nearby residents due to light intrusion, especially at night.Digital Billboards
Thesebrightly lit electronic billboardshave the potential tocreatedriver distraction on ourhighways thusleading to more accidents. There are many studies to this effect with supporting data (see reference below).ANY possible distraction to motorists is unacceptable and shouldbe banned. There is absolutely no justificationfor puttingindividuals and familiesat risk by allowing thesebillboards.
Additionally,these huge signs with their ever changing images and messages are a visual blight. Cities are judged by their aesthetics among other things and digital billboards in Oceansideare notconsistent with our beautiful coastal environment.Oceanside's action here will also affect other cities in North County as we all use common highways.
Finally, there is also a potential negative impact on property values and economic development in affected areas,as well as negative quality of life issues associated with digital billboards including light intrusion into residences. This can disturbsleep, impact relaxationand have other health effects.
A full report on these and other issues regarding digital signage,prepared byThe Los Angeles Department Of City Planning, can be examined at:
Most relevent are pages 10-18 and page 24.