No Detriment Policy - University of Sussex 2022

In solidarity with striking staff, students of the University of Sussex are demanding that university management implement a 'no detriment' policy to protect the academic progress of all students submitting assignments in semester two assessment period 2022.
This term has been unprecedentedly awful for both students and staff. The staff at this university are suffering from pension cuts, real-term pay cuts, unsustainable workloads, casualisation and pay inequalities, severely hindering their capacity to provide proper learning conditions for students.
Despite staff efforts, millions of students across the UK have faced an alarming loss of education due to universities management's failure to meet the UCUs reasonable demands. Cancellation of lectures and seminars has put students at risk of failing to meet the learning outcomes for their degrees, not to mention detrimental effects to our academic progress and financial situation.
2019/20 saw a no detriment policy implemented due to the insurmountable loss of teaching in the face of Covid -19. The policy was a success for students, offering them a safety net which allowed for a reduction in panic while protecting academic standards. Considering the amount of teaching lost in 2021/22 is greater than that of 2019/20 there is absolute precedent for the implementation of a ‘no detriment’ policy. There is adequate time between now and the Summer Exam Boards to put such a policy in place.