No Cosmos Carwash on Watkins Lake!

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the Watkins Lake community who urge our leaders to vote NO on the proposed Car Wash at the corner of Highland Rd/M-59 and Whitney St. This development is cause for concern based on the following:
-Increased traffic volume generated from this car wash would add to an already hazardous intersection at Whitney St. and M-59. Whitney Street is a main access road to the Watkins Lake neighborhood.
-There is an existing commercial business at this intersection (Leslie Tire) which has a consistent flow of large trucks entering onto Whitney St, adding to congestion and safety issues. The proposed car wash includes an entrance and exit onto Whitney, further adding to this problem.
-The proposed business occupies the entire 1.2 acres parcel, abutting to the current wood fence separating this property from residential lots. It encompasses 3 lanes of cars funneling into the car wash, and at the Whitney St. side, 18 bays for cars to clean and vacuum. This high-volume business will generate extensive noise, nuisance and lights from the car wash building and all vehicles being service.
-The existing commercial building can re-used for various businesses zoned C-3. Once that property houses a car wash, it’s limited in the future as a car wash. If it doesn’t succeed, it could sit vacant for a long time until a new car wash tenant moves in or the property is repurposed.
- Decreased perceived residential property value, and a significant blight concern at the entrance to the Watkins Lake neighborhood
- Further impact on Whitney road surfaces due to increased car volume.
- South shore and adjacent streets used as a cut through to watkins lake rd.
- Extreme environmental concerns to water table
Based on these concerns, we are opposed to the Cosmos Car Wash being built at this location