No Change For Granby School Times!

I want to know who is opposed to ANY change in the start times of schools now that we know the negative impact it has on students in grades K-5 at Kelly Lane School and Wells Road Intermediate School. If you are a Granby / Hartland /Hartford family with students in the Granby school system please sign this petition. If you are a teacher that doesn't feel like this is in the best interest of the students, please sign this petition. If you are a high school student that is opposed please sign this petition. Constructive comments are encouraged. I will be sharing this with the Board of Education. Thank you for your support!
The options are “The Push” 9:10-3:55
Negatives: Working parents now have to pay for expensive morning care, young children taking the bus will get home very late, special needs kids would have an extra transition in the morning and young children will be too exhausted engage in meaningful learning with such a long school day.
“The Flip” 7:35-2:20
Causes parents to need aftercare and it is expensive for tax payers- $512.447