No Cell Towers in Residential Areas of Ramona

Stop the construction of a Verizon cell tower in the
residential neighborhood of Ramona, CA (Cedar Street).
Do you care about your property values?
Your health?
The community?
You should have received a notification from San Diego’s Planning Department concerning a cell phone company (Verizon) and the property owner of 1808 Cedar street’s application to install a 35 foot tall, 12 antenna plus 1 dish Microwave Cell Tower on his property. As a commercial business it has no right to be located in a residential area, and will negatively impact our rural neighborhood in so many ways.
While there might be disagreement on the health risks, the public perception is that the health risks are real and this will affect your property values by anywhere from 5%-20%.
If the cell tower is approved, the property owner and the cell phone company will be enriched financially and everyone else in the vicinity gets nothing but health risk, an industrial structure detracting from the natural beauty of the ridgeline and depreciation of property values.
Although the Ramona Community Planning Group voted 12-0 to deny the project, the cell phone company and property owner are still moving ahead with their submission to the County. The San Diego County Planning Department will make the ultimate decision to approve/disapprove of the project
Please sign this petition and make yourself heard!
Visit, http://haltthetower.com/ for more information