Dear NMB

Elizabeth Dougherty, Chair
Harry Hoglander, Member
Linda Puchala, Member
National Mediation Board
1301 K Street N.W.
Suite 250 East
Washington, D.C. 2005-7011
Dear National Mediation Board Members,
I am a Delta Air Lines flight attendant who has a vested interest in your decision on the proposed rule change for representation elections.
Over three months have passed since the deadline for the submission of comments on a new rule that would not only bring greater democracy to the workplace for all railway and airline employees, but ensure that NMB elections are held in a manner consistent with other democratic elections in our country.
Flight attendants at Delta Air Lines are eager to call for our representation election vote since it has a direct impact on our jobs and personal lives. Please do not delay your decision any longer. We’ve been waiting far too long. Thank you.