NJ Teens Against New NJ Provisional Laws
The teenager drivers of NJ are being targeted by the State Government of NJ. The NJ State lesgislature has already passed this and NOBODY knows about it
The laws:
-Anyone between 16 and 21 must have a provisional sticker on their car or anyone's car they drive
-The new offical driver license is being moved to 21
-The curfew is being lowered to 11pm -The 1 person restrictoin stays on till you are 21
-Effective April 1st, 2010
-Full NJ licensed drivers KEEP their license,(no downgrades)
Imagine, your in your 3rd year of college and you can't drive past 11? You can't drive more than one person?
They are marking them/us by forcing us to put stickers on our car saying how old we are and that we are a provisional driver. This makes teenager drivers a target for police and other drivers. Police will target us for the littlest mistakes that every new drivers make. Other drivers will speed up and drive recklessly to get around these drivers. The HUGE concern is that these stickers knowingly tell everybody around us our age. This makes us a target of stalkers and pedophiles. They can easily spot a sticker that says " Hi I'm a 16 year old teenager girl". We are petitioning these new sets of laws because they target one group of people, much like racsim is. We want our voice heard by someone and anyone willing to help us change this law to the old restrictions.