lawrence frank 0

NJ Adult Baseball & Softball Alliance

165 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
lawrence frank 0 Comments
165 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are an alliance of New Jersey ADULT baseball & softball players, teams, leagues and associations that want to start playing NOW!

My name is Larry Frank, and I am Co-Commissioner of the Amateur Baseball Association in NJ. We are an adult league and I am spearheading this Alliance. I am calling all adult baseball & softball players, teams and leagues to action, to sign this petition to stand up and be heard!!

As adult players we should be allowed to assess and assume our own risk when playing baseball & softball. Too often the adult players and teams get lumped in with the kids leagues. While we understand that protecting the children is important it should not effect ADULT teams, players or leagues. We are capable of making our own decisions to play and assume our own risk. If consenting adults get together voluntarily to play, knowing the risks, then there is no place for the government to tell us NO!

If your group would like to join us please let me know. Players, teams and leagues from all over NJ are welcome! Email to have your group, team, league or association added. We'll send this over to Governor Murphy asap.

Here is a letter I wrote to Governor Murphy on 5/18 outlining our position. If you agree then please sign this petition!


Governor Murphy,

My name is Larry Frank and I am Co-Commissioner and President of the Amateur Baseball Association. We are an adult baseball league of 1,500+ tax paying adult players that operate in 10+ counties in New Jersey. I am writing this letter to implore you to consider re-opening baseball in NJ for adults as quickly as possible. As adult participants, players should be allowed to assess and assume their own personal risk to play games. Please allow the counties, cities and towns the ability to issue athletic field permits for baseball games.

We are an outdoor sport where the risk of spread is low as you know since you already opened golf courses. We have less than 50 people at games. The only close contact comes when the batter is waiting in the box to receive the pitch. We can wear masks when batting. We can move the umpire behind the mound. There is no difference when I am passing someone in a small supermarket aisle because there is no social distancing for those 2 seconds. The virus dies quickly in the outside air. We can eliminate stealing & holding runners on if necessary. As for touching the ball, we just wont touch our face and wash our hands when we are done. Everyone can use their own helmet and glove as well as batting gloves. We won't shake hands when the game is over. We won't share drinks. We won't sit near each other in the dugouts. We have less than 50 people at games. Allowing adult baseball to return soon & safely is very doable. The virus has minimal effect on our demographic as we are not in the at-risk age range.

This lockdown was about flattening the curve. The curve is already flat. I know many people at many hospitals who have significant reduction in COVID-19 cases. Some hospitals are even laying off doctors and nurses because it is so slow.

Experts now say that COVID-19 will now forever be with us and that it may settle in to a seasonal track similar to the flu. If it is always going to be with us, the very low potential for risk will always be here, the curve is already flattened... then logically why can we not begin opening things up at a more expedient pace? To our adult players, baseball is a necessary component for mental and physical health and well-being.

Your consideration and attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


-Larry Frank

Amateur Baseball Association

Member Groups:

Amateur Baseball Association

Morris County Majors Baseball League

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