Nintendo Let Us Make Let's Plays Of Your Games

Today (Monday, May, 13th, 2013) TGS send messages to there partners. Saying that Nintendo has said to them that you cannot make videos with Nintendo video game footage over 10 minutes without possible getting a Content ID match, and possibly a copywrite strike! This is utter ridiculousness! Let's play, reviews, and more are free publicity for Nintendo! Some people live, eat, and get paid from Youtube for making let's plays, and this is how Nintendo treats there fans? Some people buys games just because they saw a review/let's play on Youtube, and Nintendo doesn't want that? And whats with the over 10 minutes? Is this old school Youtube all over again? Let's plays can take well over 10 minutes, and a good in depth review can take twice that long! Nintendo please, change this policy, we want to make let's plays of your amazing games! Don't make us go let's play other consoles games! Please sign petition to make Nintendo change there policy! Nintendo needs to know this is wrong to do, and that it'll help them if they do allow let's plays! Thanks to everyone that signs it, and Nintendo please do it for the gamers, fans, and let's players!