Princess Adaugo Ogbonna 0

Nigeria Arise! Plateau Speak Up! All We Need Is Permanent Peace!

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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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It is very unfortunate that up until this year and now, this Jos crisis that started like a joke since 2001, has continued to be a persistent and mysterious menace for 17 long years without concrete advancement towards permanent Peace. I for once decided to take a critical look at the whole situation and have concluded that indeed the government of the day has been an entire joke to think that human lives will continue to waste like this! These are neither chickens , nor goats but people, with flesh and blood. Great potentials just dying like that! It is high time, my people, it is high time we demanded for justice and our rights to peace. These leaders continually think that the lives of her citizens are left at their mercy to deal with as they choose! We demand justice for the innocent children who are steadily on the run and murdered in cold blood in the hands of these wicked unnamed miscreants! We demand Justice for our mothers that have become widows with little chances of raising innocent children in the face of an unstable economy! We demand Justice for the millions of innocent children orphaned and displaced due to armed conflict and are now exposed to the risks of colds at night, malnutrition, trauma, sexual exploitation in IDP camps amongst many ills. Where will we eat from when all the farmlands are taken? Where is the hope for our future when the educational curriculum and calendar is disrupted and there is no enabling environment for studies? How about several business unproductive days lost at the expense of struggling business owners in the face of a dwindling and frail economy!
We are all we have and we must stand up for ourselves! It is obvious that these leaders are just there for what they can grab since they had the guts to carry out electoral primaries when people were grieving their loss in Plateau State and Nigeria as a whole! Their acts of negligence has always nipped its bud even when we show ignorance of it!
We cannot continue like this! For every infant, young adult born within these 17 years of unrest, there is no definition of true "Peace" in their subconscious mind! They are continually shaped by what they see. And every now and then, they see pictures of blood, death and mass burial? What are we doing to our future??? What are we doing exactly???
I think we are done asking questions that never gets answered anyways. It is time to reshape back our future again! It is time for us to look beyond ethnicity, religion and all the divides that sets us against ourselves! It is time to look beyond our past and paint the brightest, colorful picture of Our Dear Plateau, our dear Nigeria. It is time we educate our children and teach them folktales that they may know that there was a time we all sat together, children from different homes and communities by moonlight to listen to words of wisdom from our elders. Let them know that there used to be a time when no one built high fences around their homes and could leave the doors just hooked to their bolts through the days and nights...
It is also time we demanded our rights to peace from our leaders. Let the credibility of an individual be used as a criteria to Vote them into leadership rather than tribal, statutory, or religious affiliations .
If you agree that "Peace" can be made possible again in Our beautiful Plateau, in our Nation, then you are that seed of Hope! We want to know how many more people are going to stand for this Hope that Our future generation can Smile through!
Before you Sign this petition, think:
1. Do I want Peace?
2. What does it take to have peace?
3. Does it matter what tribe or religion we are? Everyone suffers adversely from the effects of violent conflicts.
It only takes willingness! It only takes the will and strength that comes from forgiveness and the courage to heal from the pain of the past.
We only need the majority to decide that our children, grand children will only know nothing but peace.
If you sign this petition;
You are agree to:
A. Love and appreciate "Peace" and will always stand for peace in your community,
B. Refuse, despise, debunk, disapprove and/or report any behaviour, rumour, activity, that initiates, nurtures, spreads, or constitutes any form of violence or with the means to harm either verbally, emotionally or physically any individual or group(s) to the rightful authority(ies),
C. express your rights to elect and (or) vote individual(s) who are credible not for personal gains, tribal or religious sentiments for the common peace and prosperity of our State and Nation.
We owe these and many more to our Future generation! It is a deliberate effort to seek Peace.
Evil only prevails when good people refuse to ACT! Let us prove this TODAY, there are over 1,000,000 people who are lovers of Peace like you and I.
This petition will be presented as our unified commitment towards achieving Permanent Peace to The United Nations. The United Nations have continually shown their support towards achieving Peace. Recent reports showed that the major cause of the conflict within the country is mainly ethnic violence than terrorism. Does that mean that we are the ones killing each other and claiming that unnamed gun men show up at night to claim lives? Whatever it means, we are resolved about giving Peace another chance! This petition represents who we are and not what they wrote about us.
This is a New phase! We JOS want PEACE!
Let's start this REVOLUTION!!! .
If you have read this, you should oblige to sign for Peace restoration in Plateau State and in Nigeria. Let the world know that there are more people standing up for Peace And Progress than those who disrupt it! Let it be known that these culprits are not too many to be fished out and brought to book.

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