NHL fans need to "Strike" Back
All of us NHL fans put up with the league being shut down 8 years ago. We all faithfully came back to watching the games on tv, looking up articles and stats on the internet, buying their jersey and other memorabilia. Now they are up to it again. Both sides are making more money than ever yet they feel the need to make us fans loose another season over their petty scwablings. Now its time for us to stand up and say we the fans are going on "Strike" now. If the NHL shuts down for a year then we should strike for a year. No internet, no TV, no buying NHL memoriabilia. After all it is OUR money they are fighting over. We should show them who really pays them all. We need to let them know that if they are going to make us suffer they need to get it right back and they can loose a year of income from the fans and the sponsors will soon follow if no fans are watching. Sign the petition to let them know that you are going on STRIKE for a year if we loose this year. Enough is enough. One time is fine but twice in 8 years should not be acceptable. Please sign the petition for us to give to the NHL and let them know that we can strike too.