No Garbage Should Stand Alone in the City of Calgary
Laura Squires 0

No Garbage Should Stand Alone in the City of Calgary

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Laura Squires 0 Comments
51 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Unite with One Voice to Make A Difference in Our City Today! We are working on a petition to improve the recycling system in Calgary quickly and efficiently. We support curbside pick up for residential and downtown areas, however, we believe the government should work WITH private companies to fix the recycling problem. We would like to see recycling receptacles stand beside all garbages starting in the downtown core, and trickling out to suburban areas. We would like to see apartment and condo buildings being offered large recycling receptacles so they may discard their recyclables without having to store them in their tiny homes and then transport them to a depot. We would like to see all businesses being offered the same large bin, especially office buildings and hospitality establishments. We would like to see private recycling companies receiving grants from the government offering financial support to produce greater advertising, increased number of trucks and employees, as well as a reduce to the costs for citizens choosing to hire private companies. The 2009 plan is A) not enough to help the growing pollution concerns of this city and B) does not consider the job loss to private companies Our goal is to make the government responsible for large pick up of recyclables (i.e. condos/businesses) and offering residential pick up to private companies with financial support from the government, thus creating jobs and positively feeding the economy. Any support would be greatly appreciated. And if you would like to contact your preferred political party on this matter links to all parties can be found on the right side \"links\" section.

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