Ngati Hine Support AGAINST the Evolved Crown Mandate
Mylie George Northland 0

Ngati Hine Support AGAINST the Evolved Crown Mandate

788 signers. Add your name now!
Mylie George Northland 0 Comments
788 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

  • We the undersigned OPPOSE the Ngapuhi Evolved Mandate on the following grounds for submission:
  1. Ngati Hine rangatiranga is undermined by the current engagement process undertaken by the Minister utilising his Technical Working Group
  2. Ngati Hine will not agree to any process which would undermine our Tino Rangatiratanga and our sovereignty (including, without limitation, any full and final settlement).
  3. Ngati Hine requires the proposal to provide a clearway to address the Stage One Findings and how constitutional redress can be progressed
  4. Ngati Hine require a clear and fair withdrawal mechanism for our hapu to pursue our own path – including the removal of our Hapu, Marae and Wai claims from the process
  5. Ngati Hine requires direct engagement with the Crown on redress matters
  6. Ngati Hine reject the Technical Group’s proposal for a central single body to hold our commercial redress (quantum) on behalf of all Ngapuhi hapu
  7. Ngati Hine will decide how its redress is negotiated and managed – commercial redress needs to come back to Ngati Hine
  8. Ngati Hine vehemently oppose TRAION representation in the proposed structure
  9. Ngati Hine oppose kaumatua kuia representation – they are valued members of our hapu and will be taken care of by Ngati Hine
  10. Ngati Hine oppose any urban representation – our noho taone whanau are members of Ngati Hine and our hapu. Their voice is important and can be heard via Ngati Hine.

**** IMPORTNANT ****

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Name: ……………………………………………..

WAI # (if any) ……………………………………………..

Hapu: ………………………………….............

Marae: …………………………………………….

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