Need for Speed Local Split Screen Multiplayer

Local split screen multiplayer is an extremely imaportant part of many video games, particularly racing games. The majority of Need for Speed fans love the classic feel of the game, really enjoy playing it with friends or family, and not having local split screen multiplayer gets in the way of that. One player racing games rarely get played when friends are over, or at parties, and arerarely given as gifts to anyone.We are confident that localsplit screen multiplayer would drastically boost sales of the Need for Speed franchise, and even revive some of the old games.
We urge Electronic Arts/Criterion Games to release an update or add-on (paid or free) for at least two of the most popular recent titles (if not the four recent ones), Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and Need for Speed Most Wanted, that would enable users to play localsplit screen multiplayer.
Criterion Games has done a great job with Need for Speed, with the exception of this feature. Please sign this petitionto show EA/Criterion your passionand love for the classic feel of the Need for Speed franchise!