Next Chairman of MDC, Assam
Shyam Chandra Sharma Assam 0

Next Chairman of MDC, Assam

Shyam Chandra Sharma Assam 0 Comments
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Sjt. Sarbananda Sonowal
Honourable Chief Minister, Assam

Sub: Selection of the next Chairman of the Manipuri Development Council, Assam

Respected Sir,

Not so long ago, general people had lost trust in our political leaders or the Government, as pleads of common people seldom got heard. However, with your Govt. in power and under your leadership people have slowly and steadily started to gain faith, as we have started noticing extensive drive against corruption and progress in development related work that have ensued at a pace in our state.

With this in mind and great hope, I am writing on my behalf as well as on the behalf of like minded fellow Manipuris of Assam to kindly look into the selection of our next Chairman of Manipuri Development Council, Assam.

We request you to kindly consider the candidature of Dr. Phuritsabam Birmani as the next “Chairman” of Manipuri Development Council, Assam. Dr. Birmani, who is MA in English and History & PhD in History, is the Editor of well-known Manipuri Monthly Magazine ICHEMMA and Weekly Manipuri Newspaper the ARAMBAI, both published from Guwahati, Assam.

Dear Sir, we believe in free, just and democratic process and hence pledge our support for Dr. Phuritsabam Birmani as our next chairman of MDC, Assam.

We have huge confidence in Dr. Birmani’s leadership because…

1. Dr. Phuritsabam Birmani does not belong to any Political/business back ground and was a former lecturer, Department of History, Dibrugarh University, Assam.

2. Dr. Birmani was the Ex. Vice-President of Manipuri Sahitya Parishad, Assam and is currently in the Central Committee of the organisation.

3. He was the Former Advisor of “All Assam Manipuri Students Union” (AAMSU) and was the Founder Gen. Secy., United Manipuri Association, Assam (UMAA).

4. Dr. Birmani also had his foray in Broadcast Television, where not only he was the Manipuri Section Head for NE TV/FOCUS TV, Guwahati but also the Regional Editor.

5. He has rendered more than a decade of social service by publishing ICHEMMA and ARAMBAI without any profit, just to support the Manipuri Society. Dr. Birmani was also the Founder Editor of “PURNIMA” once a very popular and the first offset printed Manipuri weekly.

6. Despite being highly qualified, Dr. Birmani has chosen a simple life and has dedicated his life for the society and the community.

7. He is a person who never thinks for his personal interest, so we believe he would earnestly work for the development of the community and for the Asomiya society in general.

With the wind of change in Assam under the BJP government, we the Manipuri people of Assam sincerely look forward to see a change in the way MDC, Assam functions.

Sincere regards,

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