NAGSDA Youth Camp 2016: Identity Crisis - New Format and Theme

Theme: Identity Crisis
Mission or Purpose: How to lose self and gain Christ.
Bible Verses: Philippians 4:8, Matthew 16:26, and 2 Timothy 1:7
Theme Song: TBA
Seminars: Should touch upon the following issues dealing with identity // each day will be dedicated to a different topic for each group. Also, each seminar will be more of a discussion rather than a lecture.
- Relationships
- Family - What kind of effect can family have on identity? What happens when our families reject our identities? What should we do?
- Friends - What kind of effect can friends have on our identity? What happens when our friends identities don’t correlate with our morals and beliefs? What’s the next step?
- Church Community - What kind of effect can Church have on my identity? What happens when Christian identity is portrayed negatively? How do we deal with the world as Christians? How do we tackle and answer tough questions?
- Education
- How can stress affect how we identify ourselves?
- How can education affect our priorities? Do we put God first or School first and why?
- How can we be outstanding Christians in a world that would rather not see us stand at all? How can we be Daniels and Esthers in a world that hates us?
- Social Media
- What are some effects when you associate your identity with who you are on social media?
- How can your online self affect your real self? Self-Esteem/Depression?
- Who gets to validate you? God or your likers or followers? Why?
- How can we view ourselves through God’s eyes? How can we see others the way God sees us? Why is this important for our walk with the Lord?
Apart from these seminars there should also be seminars that are practical. Some seminars that are practical to have, and do not necessarily have to be in the format of seminars, are:
- Tuesday Networking Night - for each age group - games within each age group or just general networking in a hall that is supervised by leaders and chaperones
- College Prep Seminar - Geared towards 15-17 age group - touching upon college essays, resumes, college interviews, SAT/ACT scores, and professional networks
- Job Etiquette and Search - Geared towards 18+ - when you’ve just graduated and you can’t find a job or internship, what do you do? A presentation that highlights the dos and don’ts of job searching and interviewing.
- High School Blues - Geared towards 11-14 - you’re done with Middle school, now what? Teaching upcoming high school students how to navigate the social life, workload, extracurricular activities, and much more of High school.
- Entertainment Night- feature poetry, readings, dance, sign language, and other relevant art forms related to identity and how we can overcome our identity crises with and through Christ. Songs can be whatever the group or singer wants!
- Lady/Gent Lunch Sessions - Primarily for 15+ men and women who are interested in learning how to dress, groom, improve etiquette and manner. These sessions will only be held twice in the week - Wednesday and Thursday. The sessions will start 30 minutes before the lunch period ends.
Lastly, there should be three brand new speakers voted on and selected by the NAGSDA Youth Council and its affiliates. A list of 10 speakers should be created by the council, narrowed down to four or five speakers, and that list presented to each church two or three months before the camp commences.