Require Tattoo Permits for the Sale of Tattoo Equipment

We the undersigned, call for stricter laws regarding the
sale of equipment for the purpose of performing tattoos, body piercings and
permanent cosmetics.
State law requires that the professional body piercers and
tattooists be licensed by the state’s Department of Health in order to legally
perform these procedures. However, it is currently not a requirement to show
proof of licensure when purchasing tattooing and piercing equipment, such as tattoo
machines, tattoo inks, tattoo and piercing needles, forceps, etc.). The
unregulated availability of body piercing equipment, tattooing equipment and
related supplies pose a serious public health risk. Untrained, unlicensed
individuals can easily purchase these supplies, allowing them to perform
tattoos and body piercings in unsanitary conditions. Bloodborne pathogens are
easily transmitted through the breaking of skin where bodily fluids can be
released. Allowing anyone other than licensed professionals access to tattoo
and piercing supplies promotes the spread of infectious diseases such as, but
not limited to, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), Hepatitis C (HCV) and Staph (Staphylococcus) infections.
We ask simply that tattoo and piercing supplies be restricted for purchase by individuals that can provide a valid state-issued license or permit to perform tattoos or body piercings to the supplier or merchant.
Thank you for your concern about the safety of the tattoo community.
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