A statue for Anthony Newley

This petition is for persons other than British citizens to support Susan Selfe's UK petition at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/33315 which states: That a statue be erected in recognition of the late, great British entertainer Anthony Newley.Born in Hackney in 1931, He changed the way threatre was viewed. He starred, directed , co wrote the book and score for two of the most amazing musicals, he continues to act on the stage until his ill health prevented him from doing so. He was a consumate composer and has left a legacy of the most amazing music; still sung and appreciated today around the world. He was a movie and television star, he was a visionary. He was a good hard working man. It would be a travesty if the country he loved could not find it in their hearts to recognise his genius.He passed away in 1999, surely now it is time to act.