Tougher Laws on Knifes
Marc Hubbard 0

Tougher Laws on Knifes

68 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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68 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Kiyan price,luke walmsley to name a few. all victimes of the sickening rise in knife crimes. This must stop now. kiyan was murdered for protecting a student from being bullied, luke was a victim of bullying. i am campaigning for tougher laws which includes much tougher sentences of criminals and the rise of the selling of knifes from 16 to 18 and introducing an under 21 policy like on cigerettes and alcohol. once i get sufficent enough names i will personally go down to london and present it to tony blair and try my best to get it noticed enough so he takes action. PLEASE SIGN


Done By Marc Hubbard Of Derby United kingdom
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