Save Newcomb College

Whereas the Board of Administrators of the Tulane Educational fund determined on December 9, 2005 to dissolve Newcomb College, the women\'s undergraduate college of Tulane University, and merge it into a consolidated new Undergradute College and Whereas the Board of Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Inc. have an obligation to serve the mission of the practical and literary education of women via Josephine Louise Newcomb\'s gift of 1886 and according to their standing Bylaws and Charter as amended by October 28, 2005. and Whereas ... We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Board of Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Inc., to: Delay the implementation of aspects of the Renewal Plan until at least June 06, 2007. Consider amending said the Renewal Plan to include two undergraduate colleges for Tulane University: Newcomb College for Women and Tulane Undergraduate College for Men, with shared tuition monies and pooled administrative resources such as are necessitated, while providing the Newcomb College experience to all undergraduate women at Tulane University. Ensure that all students currently enrolled in Newcomb College are allowed to graduate with degrees from Newcomb College.