Would you regularly visit a new LAN Center/Internet Cafe in Roswell, GA?
Andrew Cunningham 0

Would you regularly visit a new LAN Center/Internet Cafe in Roswell, GA?

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andrew Cunningham 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We all loved the CA. We all hated what it's owners did to it. And due to their choices and decisions about how to run it, our favorite place to meet and hang out is now gone. Ginsu wants to open a new CA, and run it the way it always should have. Ginsu's version of the CA will offer all of the gaming options the old CA had, and welcome tabletop and card game players as well. We plan on having regular tournaments for popular games, as determined by customer request, and winners will receive awesome prizes, up to and including all-inclusive trips to annual gaming events like E3 and Blizzcon.

We also plan to obtain a full liquor license and not place such ridiculous markups on alcohol as most places do. We plan to have a kitchen, and serve the old favorites from the CA, including nachos, quesadillas, hamburgers, and pizza, as well as adding gamer favorites like Bagel Bites, Hot Pockets, and Pizza Rolls. With all of this, we also plan to charge FAR less than the old CA did for gaming. Our current cost estimates would allow us to charge $15, maybe less, for 24 hours admission, and we plan to be open 24/7. If you want a new CA, of the gamers, by the gamers, and for the gamers, please sign our petition and pass it on to your friends that would game with us, so we can show investors how many people are behind us.


Andrew "Ginsu" Cunningham, a regular of the now-defunct Computer ArenA, later known as the US Gaming ArenA.


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