newark city schools need to enforce the bullying and no tolarence policy
Kathy Nunyabizness 0

newark city schools need to enforce the bullying and no tolarence policy

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kathy Nunyabizness 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

newark city schools have a no tolerance policy with bullying they need to inforce it but i need help to let cabbott ray from channel 4 news come into all of newark city schools and educate teachers and students about bulling because i know all of us parents are tired of hearing excuses why it cant be handled correctly .im also tired of hearing we are not equipt for it .its time to make a stand and proctect our kids since newark city schools wont take the proper time .so if you beleive we need help in our schools plz sign.make your schools better and help raise awarness to our kids and our teachers .stand behind our kids .help us improve our schools and let them get the help they need.our children are our the schools there not doing enough to prevent this in our schools.

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