Ogden Reborn 0

New Skate Park in Ogden

2185 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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2185 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I think we can all agree that there have been some amazing changes taking place in Ogden lately. While many aspects of the city are new and improved, the Ogden skate park leaves a lot to be desired. Now that Ogden is growing, we need more space and different level skate parks for all ages. The current park is often crowded and offers little for more experienced skaters looking for new challenges. Skaters need a new terrain and obstacles to progress at all levels of skating. In addition to the need for more space, the obstacles in the current park are riddled with cracks, which can be very dangerous. Drainage is also a major issue and often times make the park unusable due to a giant pool of water.

Here's what some local skaters had to say:

"Skaters need a new terrain and obstacles to progress at all levels of skating. Ogden is trying to make the city a scenic place. A new park will fit the new scene. A bigger park will keep upcoming kids and teens out of the streets and off of private property resulting in more safety in the city."

"Cracks in Obstacles which can be VERY dangerous. Drainage is also a great hassle and the park is constantly filled with water and making the skate park unusable."

"We need a place of progression. It will keep us out of the streets of Ogden where everyone sees us as a nuisance. We will have a home where we would be proud to share with other skaters from other counties, cities, states and even countries."

"We spend more time and money in other cities than our own. If we had a desirable place to hangout and skate in Ogden, more time and money would be spent in our own city."

This Ogden skate park is very important to a wide variety of citizens of Ogden, and it keeps kids and teens of all ages outdoors, motivated, healthy and active. Let's give the Ogden skating community a place to practice and progress. We hope you will sign this petition and spread the word!

Thank you! - Ogden Reborn

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