New Residence Adjacent to the AS Outback Farm
Kamea Black Washington 0

New Residence Adjacent to the AS Outback Farm

Kamea Black Washington 0 Comments
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Bellingham Planning and Community Development Department

Agenda, Item 2 for 05/19/2016

ATTN: Chris Koch, Planner

360-778-8349 |

210 Lottie Street

Bellingham, WA 98225

Dear Mr. Koch,

I am writing to you in regards to the quasi-judicial application for an Institutional Master Plan Amendment and SEPA Checklist for Western Washington University District. Specifically, the proposals interaction with IMP district 17 where the OELS AS Outback Farm is located.

If you reference Pages II-49 and 51 on the current Western Washington University Institutional Master Plan (adopted by the City of Bellingham, Sep. 24, 2001) you will see the Character Goals & Development Recommendations, for both districts 17 and 18, to include “Accommodate southern exposure required by Outdoor Experiential Learning Site (OELS) by careful siting of any future structures.".

The proposed expansion of district 18 is adjacent to a large sum of the necessary afternoon solar exposure for current food production gardens. If new development exceeded the impact of existing tree cover this would greatly hinder the ability for the OELS to carry out its primary academic land uses.

  • I would like to formally request that as District 18 is expanded to accommodate future residence the Character Goals & Development Recommendations is amended as follows: "Accommodate western as well as southern solar exposure required by Outdoor Experiential Learning Site (OELS) by careful siting of any future structures."

In order to accommodate space requirements, the proposed seeks to reduce the size of district 13, 15 and 17 with student activities listed as an IMP land use classification in District 18. While new development and the inclusion of residence on our west side has the potential to advance existing Character Goals and Development Recommendations for district 17—such as that of integration of educational and residential functions—these same goals could be greatly restricted if said new development were to cut into established gardens.

  • I would like to formally request that the expansion of district 18 be prohibited from disrupting established garden spaces that have been maintained for two years or more.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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